- Health Monitoring: Tracks heart rate, blood pressure, sleep, and breathing exercises.
- Sports & Fitness: Multi-sport mode with GPS trajectory tracking.
- Smart Tools: Stopwatch, calculator, torch, and password protection.
- Notifications & Calls: Displays messages, Bluetooth calling, and "Find My Phone."
- Entertainment: Remote control for music, photos, and playback.
- Convenience: Weather updates, female assistant, split-screen display, and shortcut widgets.
- Customization: Dynamic dials and brightness control.

Daniel Klein D:Smart 8 Pro
Ora inteligjente Daniel Klein ofron gjurmimin e shëndetit (rrahjet e zemrës, presionin e gjakut, gjumin), mënyrat e fitnesit me GPS dhe mjete inteligjente si moti, kontrolli i muzikës dhe njoftimet. Ai përfshin numra dinamikë, ekran të ndarë, thirrje Bluetooth dhe mbrojtje me fjalëkalim.
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